Monday, March 24, 2014

The slide at TechCamp Vietnam 2014 and roadmap of Rfx to 1.0

After TechCamp, we will continue improving the codebase of Rfx framework. To make it simple as possible require time and energy, keep calm :)
The task list before alpha 0.1 release:

The roadmap for Rfx 1.0 - a Reactive Big Data Framework

  • Reactive Functor Framework / Platform (aka: Rfx)

Goals (RFVA):
  • Reactive in real-time to data with logic rules , fuzzy-logic rules (RxSQL) and stream algorithms
  • Full Stack (backend+frontend) real-time big data framework
    • Backend: Data Crawler/Importer/Exporter + Kafka + Netty + Akka + Redis
    • Frontend: HTML5 + AngularJS + D3 + Bootstrap
  • Visualize data with Accessibility and Usability (D3.js)
  • Agent-based Processing (Akka): tools for social network simulation problems

Support RQL (Reactive Query Language)
Some examples:
  • subscribe *  from Article where title contains ['Flappy Bird'] and facebook's stats (like + share + comment) > 1000
  • subscribe *  from my Facebook’s Feeds where my facebook’s friends shared and domain contains [‘’] or title contains [‘caffee’]
  • subscribe *  from Article where i could like and category in [‘big data’, ‘computer’,’mobile’]
  • subscribe *  from my Facebook’s Feeds where my facebook’s friends shared and title contains ‘Fast and furious’
  • subscribe, visualize places from my Facebook’s Feeds where i and my wife took photos

Targeting to:
  • Big Data Developers
  • Data Scientists
  • Data Analysts (e.g: marketer , solve marketing problems in real-time )
  • All users, who want to play with stream data

Problems & Domains:

  • Stream processing, in 3Vs of Big data, we will solve {Velocity and Volume} problems
  • Social Media Research (Facebook Graph + News) for data-driven marketing
  • Humanity issues (data science)
  • Social Science (Classical Statistics with stream data from news, social data)
  • Real-time Data-Driven Business
  • Time series data visualization